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LIFE projects 2013 kick-off meeting was arranged on 20 November 2014 in London
LIFE 2014 infoseminaari ja työpaja hakemusten tekijöille, in June 2014 at Finnish Environment Institute in Helsinki.
Mission to LIFE13 ENV/FI/285 on 9 April 2015
Project meeting in Spain, 15 April 2015
Composting experiments on laboratory scale are going on in Lahti
The field scale composting experiments will start in June 2015 in Koukkujärvi
Experimentation permission for project's field scale experiments
New Dissemination Materials for the Foundry Sand Project
The field scale composting experiments started in Koukkujärvi
Project meeting and visit to the composting site 30th June, 2015
Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Seminar in Lappeenranta 18.-19.8.2015
Project meeting for the environmental authorities and visit to the composting site on the 9th of September, 2015
UUMA2 seminar on the 10th of September 2015
Project meeting about the results of the first composting experiment, 25th of November, 2015
The winter 2015-16 composting experiments have started in December 2015 in Koukkujärvi
Successfully completed foundry sand composting tests in Finland in summer 2015
Summer 2015 test results updated to the Project interleaf
Finnish Foundry Technical Association's training days in Tampere, Finland 4.-5.2.2016
Meeting at Evira, Helsinki, on 19th January, 2016
The results report of the summer tests in 2015 is published
AX Consulting's excursion to Koukkujärvi on 9th May, 2016
The summer 2016 composting experiments have started in May 2016 in Koukkujärvi
The project presentation in the Life information seminar at the House of the Estates (Säätytalo) in Helsinki 9.6.2016
The Project Monitoring Meeting on the 9th of September, 2016
Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Seminar in Lappeenranta 23.-24.8.2016
LIFE Project seminar
Project seminar was arranged in Tampere
LIFE 2014 infoseminaari ja työpaja hakemusten tekijöille, in June 2014 at Finnish Environment Institute in Helsinki
Project meeting for the environmental authorities and visit to the composting site on the 9th of September, 2015
Jokimaa composting experiments - University of Helsinki
Koukkujärvi Summer 2015 Composting Tests
Koukkujärvi Winter Composting Tests 2015-2016
Koukkujärvi Summer 2016 Composting Tests
Dissemination materials
Foundry Sand Project's Official Dissemination Materials
Foundry Sand Leaflet
Foundry Sand Poster
Foundry Sand Roll-Up
Foundry Sand On-Site Panel
Articles about the Foundry Sand project in Finnish Journal "AX-Uutiset"
An article about Foundry Sand project in Finnish journal, AX-Uutiset 2014
An article about Foundry Sand project in Finnish journal, AX-Uutiset 2015
Seminar presentation of Jani Salminen SYKE
Seminar presentation of Titta Suoniitty EVIRA
Seminar presentation 1 Juhani Orkas Aalto yliopisto
Seminar presentation 2 Juhani Orkas Aalto Yliopisto
Seminar presentation Sara Tapola Meehanite Technology
Seminar presentation Seppo Heinänen AX Suunnittelu
Seminar presentation Markku Tapola Meehanite Technology
Articles in AX magazine in 2014-2017
Articles by Tecnalia
Laymans report
After LIFE Communication Plan
Final report
Contact information
Further informations
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